Vision Statement: Our vision is to restore and to equip veterans who servedMission Statement: To provide emergency relief for veterans in need and direct them onto a path of restoration
Women have volunteered to serve in the Armed Forces since the American Revolution. Over 280,000 women served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Today, women constitute 20 % of new recruits. Although women have faithfully and bravely served their country, the male dominated culture in the military creates an atmosphere that prevents women from fully assimilating as soldiers, marines, air personnel or sailors. As a result, women face professional disparities in promotions, lack of access to protective equipment designed for their bodies, sexual harassment and assault, and underutilization of Veteran Affairs (VA) services and benefits.
After women serve in the military, their reintegration into civilian life oftentimes is not a smooth transition. For instance, service connected physical disabilities such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), chronic musculoskeletal pain, migraines and respiratory and gastrointestinal conditions are some challenges former women military personnel face. In addition to physical disabilities, women veterans are suffering from depression linked to post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), military sexual trauma (MST), substance abuse, and sleep disorders. In view of post-military mental and physical challenges, women veterans are fighting a new fight in their civilian lives.
- Suicide: 6x more likely to commit suicide than non-veteran women; of the 22 veteranssuicides per-day, a large percentage are women
- Unemployment: 5.4 % of women veterans experience a higher rate of unemployment than male veterans
- Homelessness: 4x more likely to become homeless than non-veteran women
- Family Status: Women veterans are more likely to become divorced than non-veteran women. 11 % of women veterans are single parents compared to only 4% of male veterans
Veterans Emergency Relief Foundation consists of holistic, evidence-based programs that are poised to address the complicated needs of women veterans. Comprehensive programs will connect women to VA healthcare benefits, behavior health services, family and community reengagement, childcare, legal services and career readiness. Other programs will include homeless prevention and housing placement services such as emergency, temporary, and permanent supportive housing.